People, Places, and Cases tagged "Bronzeville": 3
People, Places, and Cases
Stateway Gardens
“Our mothers take credit, but in Stateway we raised ourselves.” – Jasmon Drain
On May 17, 1954 the U.S Supreme Court handed down its decision banning segregated schools, and on the same day, the Chicago Housing Authority announced plans to build…
Ida B. Wells
Ida B. Wells Homes was a public housing project of the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) located in the Bronzeville neighborhood in the South Side of Chicago. They were constructed between 1939–41 as part of the Public Works Administration and…
Robert Taylor Homes
Described by Aaron Modica as "national symbols of the failure of urban policy," Robert Taylor Homes were once the largest and most infamous public housing project in America. Part of a post-war slum-clearing initiative, Robert Taylor Homes were…