Learning the Ropes
This file appears in: Chicago Urban League
This is a yellowing photograph clipped from the Chicago Daily Defender. The caption reads: "LEARNING THE ROPES - Harold M. Baron, 1352 E. 48th St., the Chicago Urban League's new research specialist, gets a rundown from the top. At [?] right is Edwin C. Berry, the League's executive director. Standing is Ted Cobb, deputy director. The research specialist in a graduate of Amherst college and is a candidate for the Ph.D degree in history at the University of Chicago. He is a former instructor in social sciences at Wright Junior college."
This file appears in: Chicago Urban League
Chicago Urban League
Although I was committed to and supportive of the black movement theoretically and practically, my deep engagement was more accidental. When I was writing my dissertation, I taught at Wright Junior College in Chicago. The department chair got…